Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hey fellas,

So James is trying to convince me to come to DC for the weekend of the 25th because it seems that all of you are going to be there. So far it's looking fairly good for me being able to go. I simply need to know if I have a place to crash and a ride to/from the airport (public trans is fine, I just don't know what's out there). So let me know what the situation is, and what days you all are going to be around.

My plan would be to fly in Thurs night (or maybe Fri afternoon) and leave on Sunday.

Hope you all are enjoying the winter. I know I am :)


Thursday, February 3, 2011


hey roomies ;)

we just survived the snowpocalypse here in michigan. we were supposed to get 15-25 inches overnight tuesday and something called thunder snow and everybody freaked out. every school in michigan was cancelled, even michigan state (for only the third time in its history and first since 1975). every school except good old michigan that is who continued its policy of staying open during blizzard warnings because "it owes it to its students." seriously the email i got was insulting--instead of saying stay home if it's too dangerous, it said you MUST come to class, no excuses, you can only stay home if you try driving and get stuck. it really warmed my heart out here in farmington to know they were concerned about my safety.

snowmageddon was actually a big let down though. we only got 8 inches overnight and places like chicago got hit wayyyy worse. i slept through my 9 am class and then came in for the afternoon. the roads were pretty bad but not terrible. instead of three lanes on the highways the plows had made one lane. however, since they were drunk while doing this the lane they made through the snow swerved in and out of the lines and multiple times would switch from the middle lane to the right lane for no reason. which meant if you were passing someone in the cleared lane by driving on the snow-covered right lane, you had to be careful because the cleared lane would lead right into where you were with no warning. even worse was parking in ann arbor. my devious plot of never paying for parking and parking on streets like white was foiled by the mountains of snow the plows had put in those spots. after getting stuck twice i decided to park in a structure and support the city of ann arbor.

what else is new? oh last week michigan's basketball team (the men!) beat some team from east lansing IN east lansing for the first time in 11 years. i went with suzanne to prom med school gala last weekend at the motor city casino and got a lap dance from one of wayne's doormen who decided to drunkenly crash the party. he kept telling me i was the most beautiful man alive, so i decided he had earned the right to give me a lap dance.

jamesy, i like your reunion plan, the only problem is that it's right in the middle of my (and probably Nathan's) summer gigs. which means it would be hard for us to get away, even for a weekend. i suggest august or may, although i don't know the exact date of the program so other times may work too. also, wear the ref's jersey with sunglasses, duh.

props to you and jake for keeping up the blog. hope everyone's doing well.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The blog...its alive!!

Hello sybil,

Jakey nice work on getting the blog going again. Umm lets see life in Ohio is pretty boring (shocking I know) and school is still kicking my ass so not a whole lot is new on that front. I'm guessing everyone is reeling from the big storm (yeah Sluis remember that day it rained last week?). In Columbus we got freezing rain for two days and then a bit of snow to make it harder to see where its icy so its basically treacherous to walk anywhere but the nicely plowed sidewalks of campus right now and will be like that til probably it thaws in a few weeks. However, since we have a bit of an angled driveway and some of the cars were sliding i did get to use a sledgehammer yesterday afternoon to break up some of the ice so there were at least places the tires could get a grip. If you haven't used one before, i highly recommend it. It was probably the most satisfying day of housework in my life haha.

In other HUGE news, i'm coming to DC in a few weeks! So i'm flying in on Wednesday, February 23rd and i'll be around til Sunday the 28th. I'm staying with my sister but shes working that week and likely some of the weekend (Nathan and Bill i'm guessing you cant wait for life after law school haha) so i should have some time to head out towards places you guys are at or we can have a mini sybil reunion in DC or Bmore (yes Duke i'm inviting myself and am almost done with the facebook invite). Jakey can this be your late Bday party? Nathan isnt it time you visited your parents and let them combat your hangover from a sybil reunion with breakfast?

Also Mr Eggnog (keeping that alive) mentioned summer reunion ideas. So i have this awful exam that basically tests everything you learned over the past two years and determines where you can go for residency (no pressure right) on June 24th and then i was planning on heading down to Florida to my parents place in Naples for a few weeks til rotations start. I was thinking it might be fun if we had the reunion there? Warm sunny beaches filled with old wrinkly ladies!! Sadly that probably sounded appealing to everyone but Sluisy. Obviously this is super early but could be super fun if anyone is interested!

In an attempt to get blog activity going here I have a question for all of you. I'm still coaching disability hockey down here in Columbus kinda like i did at Michigan but now its with little kids. So the kids have wanted to do an intermission show at one of the OSU hockey games and we finally got called last week to do one this weekend. I had fully prepared to cheer against Ohio state at the game BUT then I found out this weekend they are playing Michigan State...who do i cheer for? Should i bring out the ref jersey halloween costume and just cheer on my favorite ref?

I miss you all and cant wait to hear from you soon and for you east coasters see you soon!