Monday, June 15, 2009


It would be helpful for all of the current Sybil denizens, if those of you visiting the lovely town of Ann Arbor and the famed Sybil house in the following weeks would post the exact dates that you will be here so that we can plan your welcome and figure out sleeping arrangements/fun things to do!

love bubbalicious (gum!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moving on Out

Yo Yo Sybilites!
So It's pretty official that I'm taking this Job in Chicago. This means two things. First, I will be coming to Ann Arbor sometime on July 9th or 10th probably to get my stuff (don't worry Bill I'll call you to discuss the logistics of this sometime in the near future). So if any of you are going to be there, I shall be seeing you hopefully. Secondly, I will be in Chicago by the 12th. So if anyone wants to come out, especially because I won't have a roomate before august 1st, you should. I'm definitely psyched to be there for Lollapalooza in the beginning of august, so if anyone is interested in coming and joining me, you have a place to stay and someone to go with! Thats all for now. Catch you boys later.