Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Now I need some short-shorts

As you may know, it's fairly common for road bikers to shave their legs. Though some may say that there is a reason for this, it's purely for show. I've often considered this a level of bikefagness that I wouldn't cross, but every conviction has to be tested at some point, no? So I finally caved. Or rather, sort of caved. It all started with some asshole who felt that he had to apex a gentle curve at about 15mph, causing me to enjoy some tasty asphalt.

Ah yes, the classic squeeze. Immediately followed by calls of, "I didn't see you," and, "where did you come from?" Apparently, to the below-average motorist it's inconceivable that, after passing a cyclist, he or she may return to your general area (the 'moronisphere') if you should happen to slow down shortly thereafter. This is why it is often advisable to display a little patience and not pass a cyclist, say, about 100 feet before a stop sign.

But I digress. While still a dick move, the event fell squarely in the realm of 'accident,' and the gentleman seemed apologetic enough. With my safe return home, I considered the prospect of wrapping my hairy leg with tape, and promptly whipped out the razor and got to work.

Though it's not the best picture, you can get a sense of what I did. It's really a pretty wussy wound, but was bleeding enough where it needed to be wrapped (going through town with blood running down my leg was fairly entertaining.) I just did the knee area (which took forever beeteedubs, don't know how girls deal) and it feels pretty good.

So that's my foray into the world of bike-geekdom and leg shaving. I must say, the smoothness is kind of nice.