Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monthly Update(just some 94 day late)

Hello kiddos,
I felt that now that I'm back in school I probs should update about whats been going on for me all summer (and lets be honest, I cant handle anymore studying for tonight). So lets see, since the glorious Michigan visit I have spent my summer in a research lab studying spinal cord injury. Its pretty exciting in concept but as usual, I find the actual research sciencey part of a bit too tedious (really why cant we just solve all of those questions in one solid summer project?). I was looking at the effect of removing the spleen before spinal cord injury and the splenic immune response to injury. So after about 8 weeks of that I can now tell Sophomore year mono afflicted Duke that yes the spleen is important (just dont ask me how). Sadly, the one window in our lab did had to overlook the ohio state stadium. The only redeeming part of this view is that I can see the entrance where they had to adorn it with maize and blue tiles after the construction team building the new stadium agreed to do so if osu lost to Michigan (which of course they did).
Other than that I spent a ton of time this summer relaxing, and catching up on things med school has taken away from me (like sleep). I did get a week of vaca in the FL with the old people but we just started up school a week ago and I really didnt miss it at all haha.
I dont have much else to report. Still living in the same house with the same kids (aside from my various library homes) and med school life is still pretty monotonous. However, from the looks of my housemates new schedules, it seems like next year is going to be a pretty big improvement so i've got that to look forward to.
As for the football game reunion, there isnt really a home game that works perfect for me, but I could do Wisonsin or Michigan State but probably not both. So I say we pick a sybil game to come back for and Ill probably make it back for that. That being said, I also do have a dirty (in the osu student section) ticket for the ohio state game and would be happy to find more if people want to come down for that game. I have very attractive sleeping options such as the futon or the prized little-spoon spot in my bed. And can offer the chance to play with Bexely (i know not exactly a comparison to floppers) and see the sights of columbus (sure you could instead check out the skid marks in your toliet bowl and probably see more exciting history). But then you wouldnt get to see me!
Long Live Sybil,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

futbol americano

hey sybil nation,

so what's everyone's plans with regards to football games? i feel like wisco and msu are the two games people are talking about but i'll be there for all of them so you're more than welcome to come to any of them.

i know duke's coming to wisco.

and i know all of white street is coming to msu.

but beyond that i don't know who's going to what. i think msu works best for jameson, but what about the rest of you fools? which game(s) are you planning on attending?

i can get student tickets too probs, if you still have your mcards.

much love,

potro tonto

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back To School Version 18 19 20 21? -Or- Fuck, I'm Never Going To Be Done

After four days of rolling along beautiful Route 80, I'm finally in California. I wish I had some good road trip stories, but 20 hours of corn fields, 15 hours of desert, and a few hours of cities doesn't make for too much of interest. It was all business on the way over. I did get to watch the first season of Community, so there's that. Gotta love Chevy Chase.

Berkeley is, unsurprisingly, beautiful. I've gotten to see a good bit of the city already. It's somewhat similar to downtown Ann Arbor, only about six or more times bigger. Also more hippies, hipsters, hobos, asians (yes, even more), and palm trees. Traffic sucks, which makes me glad I decided not to bring a car here. But I've got nothing to complain about. I mean, I could bitch about it being 65 degrees out instead of the typical 75, or the clouds that habitually hang out over the Berkeley hills until afternoon, but that would make me a terrible person, particularly to those of you stuck in 90 degree heat (which is probably most of you).

I'm holed up at a little weekly rental place in a residential neighborhood. It's pretty nice, and rather cheap, so I'm happy. I have to share common areas with randos, but at least I have access to a full kitchen. The randos are nice, too. Some couple from the Netherlands or Germany, based on whateverthefuck language they're speaking, and asian dentistry dude. The latter is pretty cool, is from Michigan, went to dental school there (post grad work, I think), but is moving out tomorrow. So I'm stuck with the couple, who seem nice, but the dude gave me a douche "oversqueeze" handshake when I met him. I had my hand out first, and he still managed to grab mostly fingers and go all Hercules on my knuckles. So as much as you can read into handshakes, he's a douche.

I managed to get my first bike ride in today. I was fairly prepared to be challenged by the hills, so went in with modest expectations. Needless to say, I nearly threw up. After my first attempt to get some good elevation, I had to sit down for a few minutes, my teeth did this weird thing where they hurt when you breath cold air quickly, and generally proved to myself that I'm a pussy. Things got better with subsequent attempts, and I found some of the roads that don't have 25% grades. But at least I have goals to aim for. Judging from google, I made it up about 700 feet, and the hills top out at 1400, so I'm halfway there

So for now I've got a week to find an apartment and get ready to actually work hard again.

Everyone should post soon. Particularly those of you in new residences should post some pics.
Bill, hope you and Suz are finding married life agreeable.
Jake, make tons of money and live it up in the cultural and financial capital of the world. And pass that last test, or whatever.
James, don't let the impending(?) semesters get you down. Remember that I'll always be your library buddy, even if only in spirit. I'll try to befriend a library security guard to make your life seem less pitiful.
Nathan, do lawyerly things. Also, good luck with internship interviews and what-have-you.
Dukamus, hope you get that transfer soon, or move closer to Bmore, or whatever your heart desires.

God bless and Go Lube!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August is here

So basically half of you suck, and half of you are alright haha. Its been fucking hot as balls here this entire month, I'm sure it has been for the rest of you as well.

Not too much to report. Job is going well. I passed my first two exams (which is great because those are the two i needed before I could start to do ANYTHING) and I have one left that allows me to do some more stuff that i'll probably take in a month or two.

My new place kicks ass. You all need to visit and see it. I've had a chance to hang with Weasen a bunch which is cool, but unfortunately I get stuck hanging with some of those girls that I dislike that are here (like natalie smith). But overall I'm enjoying my time in NY so far. I may be venturing out to Michigan as soon as labor day weekend but I'm not sure. If ANY of you have a desire to go to Buffalo for the National Buffalo Wing festival labor day weekend im TRYING to convince people but as of now its not looking like its gonna happen unfortunately.

Thats about it for me. Lets hear whats up with you. Billy/ Nathan/James, when do you start back up at school. Goosey, how's the move to Cali going? are you starting soon too? Dutch I gotta try and make it down to D.C. sometime soon and hang. I'm sure it would be a blast.

Ciao for now,