Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michigan Football Meets The Wire

Yep apparently the wire was an obsession for other Michigan fans outside of Sybil http://www.maizenbrew.com/2010/10/26/1774374/way-down-in-the-hole-the-michigan-defense-through-the-lens-of-the-wire#storyjump
Our house here in Columbus recently acquired the entire series so I think ill probably start the obsession somewhat soon and be able to follow along with this but i figured i should make it available to those that would understand (read sybil alpha).
Nathan, congrats on the Job! And i'm excited to stalk Sluis' replacement in your love life.
The rest of you POST!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm the Worst

This is my first blog entry in what feels like years. What's up, guys. I'm sorry it's been so long.

I'm still plodding along at the law school thing, with a few highlights here and there. The professor I worked for this summer paid me to play games (he's a big nerd, so it's natural that we get along, given my extensive Magic the Gathering and Warcraft pedigree), which I may have mentioned in person in Michigan, and presently I'm taking his law school course titled "International If's in the Long 19th Century." We're currently spending the vast majority of class time playing a Napoleon-themed card game about Waterloo and will soon be transitioning into playing a Civilization-esque computer game to simulate counterfactual outcomes. The takeaway lesson, I think, is that the best job in the world is to be a tenured law professor.

James--I did not get married to Sluis in Vermont, but I have been seeing a girl for a couple months now. She's basically like Sluis, except Vietnamese and 26. Her name is Carolyn, and she's the only so-named person among my facebook friends, if y'all care to stalk her.

The biggest news for me came just recently when, after about three blood-pressure-raising months of hearing nothing good, I got a job offer from a DC firm. This means I'll be in DC for this coming summer at least, and hopefully thereafter. I decided to focus only on firms in DC, which it turns out was a pretty dubious plan since I almost ended up with no job at the end of hiring season. But... all's well that ends well, as far as I'm concerned.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

House T-Shirt

I know, I know this probably wasn't the shirt you were expecting, but a few nights ago im sitting at the library and its crowded so some girl walks up and asks to share the table and i said yes (HUGE MISTAKE) because as she takes off jacket I see she is wearing an Ann Arbor is a whore shirt. I'm fairly certain it takes one to know one and while i was considering telling her off I had a sudden brink of inspiration. This little guy is the result. Seriously considering making it as my house here wants it and so if anyone is interested the group order will probably be cheaper. Also Wisconsin last night made me so happy to see all of the really really angry people and also a bit more nervous about our competition and chances of salvaging the season.
In other news thats a bit upsetting. During my last visit during Ann Arbor I saw something very distressing. As i drove down Sybil on game day, at first I was excited to see kids playing catch on the street much like we did back in the day until tragedy struck. This was not your normal game of catch...they were trying to hit the shoes off of the wires ...OUR SHOES! Don't kids respect their elders these days???? So needless to say i told them that those were our last college legacy which seemed to stop the game (probably until i got around the corner).
As I add to things that are distressing me currently, I haven't seen anyone blog in the past few months! So yeah Duke moved, I heard about Jake's last hookup. Bill's Pregnant? Sluis and Nathan got married in Vermont! Really you guys should post in case I made a mistake with any of this.
Miss you all!