Thursday, November 4, 2010

Greetings from Charm City

Founded in 1729, Baltimore is a major U.S. seaport and is situated closer to major Midwestern markets than any other major seaport on the East Coast. Baltimore's Inner Harbor was once the second leading port of entry for immigrants to the United States and a major manufacturing center. I'd continue to copy and paste from Wikipedia but we all know this place so well. There are hints of the Wire everywhere. Dark shadows behind my house surface images of Omar's shotgun. Certain crackheads I swear I've seen before. The segway police in Fells Point (where I work) are a far cry from McNulty, however. I moved to Canton a month ago now - a few blocks away from the Natty Boh Tower.
natty boh tower.jpg
I'm also close to the Canton square, which I must say reminds me a lot of South U. Work is stellar. To give you a better idea of what I'm doing, I'd say it involves a good deal of Excel (sweet), math (my worst grade a Michigan) and finance (help me Levy). I'm learning a lot and enjoy the people I work with. We're getting embossed fleece vests for Christmas - jealous?

No? What about now?
I hope more terrifying pictures will surface on facebook soon. Halloween weekend in Durham nearly rivaled Ann Arbor dominoes, ghostbusters, stuck-on-you, etc. Everywhere I turned I had women on my Gumby-junk trying to get a picture. You'd think the non-breathing polyester and mesh eyeballs that gave me the vision of Nathan without contacts would have taken away from the experience, but it made for a trippy night.

- Sluis, your first few weeks in California sound like a mix of animal house, the hangover and ... the Arb. Live it.
- Jake, congrats on passing the final exam. I'm interested in hearing more about what exactly your doing. Perhaps in AA on the 20th? If not, and this goes to all, I'm thinking NYC for New Years (again!).
- Bill, post something exciting. Like about the kid you and Suz are having soon (Buzanne?). I'm calling you this weekend to discuss football tickets. At least 4 of us will be driving up, with at least 3 of us going to the game. Two weeks, "i so scared."
- Nathan, congrats on the girl. I spent ten minutes stalking her after I read "Her name is Carolyn..." before I finished the sentence about the stalking bit - spot on. Back for Thanksgiving?
- James, I will buy that shirt. Come to the Wisco game!

An open invitation to mi casa in Baltimore.

Many loves,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

California knows how to party

Sorry this took so long, things have been rather busy here on the west coast, and a lot has happened, so this might be a doozey of a post. Suffice it to say that I've been having a good time.

I'm living in a nice little apartment that I'm paying too much for, but it's not a bad deal by Berkeley standards. My roommate is a fellow PMBer (PMB is my department) and a really cool guy. He kinda reminds me of Lipshaw in that they're both short, have Jewish last names (Steinbrenner, though he's not Jewish), and get geeked about things like tea and craft ales. At any rate, he's a really kick ass guy and we get along like peas and carrots.

By far the best part about moving here has been my fellow first years. Without exception, everyone is super nice, super smart, and about a good half of us get blackout on a regular basis, so super fun. Everyone gets along really well, and we're all working together and doing some kickass science. I've never known so many nerds, let alone socially well-adjusted ones. Pretty much everyone just wants to have as much fun as possible, which is super easy to do in Berkeley. There's also a ton of people into hiking/camping, and while we haven't gone on any good trips yet, it's inevitable.

School is fairly tough, but it hasn't been too ridiculous. We only have one real class that's split up into 3 modules per semester. I just finished the 2nd one today, and they've both been rather easy. There's a couple people who already have fellowship money, so grades don't matter at all to them, and they just sleep through class. It's actually kinda rude because there's only 10 of us, but the point is that classes aren't emphasized. It's all about lab work. I'm nearing the end of my first rotation, and feel like I've accomplished nothing. That's not quite true, but it hasn't gone too well. I've been working on generating a DNA library to send of for sequencing, but nothing has been working for me. It should be fairly straightforward, but everything has been a problem. It should work out, but it's kind of a drag. My PI is awesome though. He's probably the only person I've ever met that I'd actually say is a genius. He's probably got some idiot-savant or polymath going on. I met with him for half an hour yesterday and it was all I could do to keep up with him. He does this thing where he pauses, kinda like a stutter, and then just blurts out a sentence. It makes it hard to keep up, especially because his mind moves so fast. Just as you're catching up to what he's talking about, he's two or three steps ahead of you. It's good though, and damn impressive. Dude just pulled down a 2+ million dollar grant from the NSF. He gets shit done.

In terms of time, though, I really haven't had to put much in for school. In fact, three weeks ago or so I went 6 for 7 on getting blackout drunk and high. The first night was supposed to be a chill movie night, but as is all too common, it turned out to be blackout fueled by tequila. The next night I went into SF for metal show that fucking ruled, and the next night was a house party for the first years and anyone else that wanted to come. That in and of itself would have made my week. At one point there was a smoking circle with over 20 people in it, with 4 joints lit at once. Other highlights included mix drinks made with lab equipment, dance party, and the end of a 3-year long relationship (drama!). It was an event. At that point, I planed to chill out for a while, but there was this thing in SF called Hardly Strictly Bluegrass going on. My friend convinced me to go, armed with a dozen beers and something like half a dozen joints. It was held in golden gate park, and was all free. It's exactly like what I imagine Woodstock was like, just on a much smaller scale (although still huge, probs bigger than Michigan football crowd). It was tons of fun. At one point, this hippie was tripping his ass on E, running around dancing. He had on these weird pants-things that came off in the course of his reverie. He was just running around the crowd for a good 5 minutes before he got himself dressed again. No one gave. a. fuck. So chill. Most of the stereotypes you hear about the bay area are dead on. It was out of this world. The next night I did some shit that I don't really remember, but it was fun. Two days later I saw Dead Meadow (DC natives I think) and that capped off one of the most ridiculous weeks of my life.

Shit hasn't been that intense the whole time, but I've been having a blast. The other highlight was the departmental retreat, which was supposed to just be moderately fun, but mostly about hearing research talks and the like. Well, it took place in Tomales Bay, which was about an hour drive from Berkeley in this beautiful part of California. I'm talking really scenic stuff. Anyway, three of us killed a 750ml bottle of Whalers rum (from trader joes, of course) before we even got there. I was just high on life the whole fucking time. We started playing frisbee in this giant circle, and I was running around like a fucking hippie. I almost beaned Pat Zambrisky in the head with the disc (senior faculty, discoverer of agrobacterium, national academy member, and general badass) but thankfully didn't. She did comment that she was impressed that I was able to throw so well despite how obviously wasted I was (this was bout 4 in the afternoon). Alcohol was plentiful the whole time, so things just deteriorated from there. After the keynote lecture, I got about 5 words into a question before I forgot what I was going to say, so just awkwardly stalled until someone finished it for me. This was pretty much my introduction to the department, and such an auspicious one. Brian Staskawics (another academy member and research thug) gave me the nickname "Sluisinator" for that, and that's pretty much stuck. Everyone who went to the retreat remembers my name, so I guess it's not all bad, but it was out of control. After the actual talks, we all just went to a big field and drank, smoked, played guitar, etc. There were several hookups, though sadly I was involved in a triangle situation that wasn't the good kind, meaning one too many dudes. Although, in retrospect, I planted a seed that has since developed into a plant that's very likely to be fucked. Oh, and Staskawics? I smoked him and a few other profs down on the second night, one of whom is my next rotation PI. Other highlights included going to a beautiful beach for a good nap, with oysters on the way back, and a drunk, horny old professor that hit on all the hot female grad students. Apparently people kept trying to put him to bed, but he would escape and get into more shenanigans. I'm not making this shit up, this weekend was legendary. It took a solid two weeks of exchanging stories until I could remember most of what went down, and even then most of it is a blur.

California is a hell of a good time, and you all need to visit. It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to make it out for a game this year, but I promise to make it up at some point. To Duke and Naynay, prop 19 didn't pass, but I'll be getting a card, so you two will have to check out the Cali bud. I've gone through half an ounce since I've been here (I've been sharing a lot) and have a kick-ass bong that you guys need to hit. There's always fun stuff going on, and San Francisco is a short BART ride away. The best weather is supposedly in Sept/Oct, so it's getting somewhat cooler and more rainy (it didn't rain the first two months I was here) but there's still lots of nice weather. It was 74 and sunny today, and I went on a nice bike ride up into the Berkeley Hills, looking over a sweet sunset on the bay.

Peace kids, hope to hear from you soon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Haha I got put on Mgoblog!

Check it out:

I'm the email from Jake obviously. You'll recognize it being about rowing. Funny stuff. Ciao for now.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Edition

So my computer fucking sucks, i spent 20 minutes putting together a post and then it shut down and i lost it. It may have autosaved but I can't find it so whatever. Anyways... Hello fellas.

Its halloween and this is one of the times of the year when i miss college and you guys the most. We have such good memories from past halloweens. I love that a few of us started to post past years' halloween pics and i say we make this a tradition every year! I know you're all dying to hear my costume this year after such previous gems of inside out man, a homeless man who will wurk 4 beer ( I still have the sign) a chip-n-dale dancer, a blind referee, and group costumes party referees/dominos/ghost busters. This past year i went as "the man your man could smell like" if any of you were in a hole and don't know who this man is, let me provide you a link. . I look forward to hearing what all of you were!

I was just at Penn State this past weekend. I drove up with my roommates and another friend and we met up with Tim and Weas. It was a good time for sure, but nothing like the trip senior year. Also, I've now been to 3 straight Penn State games that we've lost...I think i should stop going haha. But on that note, I will be in AA next weekend for the Illinois game as well as going to Detroit for the Lions / Jets game. I hope some of you may be able to join! I may go out for the wisco weekend as well, but its possible this coming weekend will be my only visit during the calendar year.

Finally, I passed the 3rd of my 3 exams a couple weeks ago. Now I can legally steal all your money. But seriously now I can actually be fully functional at my job. I hope to start to be able to do some more sales (taking out clients for food and drinks on company dime which is awesome b/c that means i get to eat and drink for free too) and generally making my mark at the firm. It should be an interesting next couple of months as I begin to learn how to do that more.

Its always good to hear updates from you guys and I really should try and call more often to hear whats going on. Personally, The best time for phonecalls for me is from like 8pm to 11pm during the week so if anyone wants to hit me up then i'd love to chat.

As much as we fucking suck at football I can't help but keep going out there and cheering for us. Its pretty insane I feel like an idiot. Lets cross our fingers and say a little prayer to the Michigan football gods. Also on that note I want to book tickets like NOW for the Michigan-Bama game in 2012 in Dallas.

Anywho I'll stop ranting b/c you've probably all stopped reading by now. Be good fellas.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michigan Football Meets The Wire

Yep apparently the wire was an obsession for other Michigan fans outside of Sybil
Our house here in Columbus recently acquired the entire series so I think ill probably start the obsession somewhat soon and be able to follow along with this but i figured i should make it available to those that would understand (read sybil alpha).
Nathan, congrats on the Job! And i'm excited to stalk Sluis' replacement in your love life.
The rest of you POST!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm the Worst

This is my first blog entry in what feels like years. What's up, guys. I'm sorry it's been so long.

I'm still plodding along at the law school thing, with a few highlights here and there. The professor I worked for this summer paid me to play games (he's a big nerd, so it's natural that we get along, given my extensive Magic the Gathering and Warcraft pedigree), which I may have mentioned in person in Michigan, and presently I'm taking his law school course titled "International If's in the Long 19th Century." We're currently spending the vast majority of class time playing a Napoleon-themed card game about Waterloo and will soon be transitioning into playing a Civilization-esque computer game to simulate counterfactual outcomes. The takeaway lesson, I think, is that the best job in the world is to be a tenured law professor.

James--I did not get married to Sluis in Vermont, but I have been seeing a girl for a couple months now. She's basically like Sluis, except Vietnamese and 26. Her name is Carolyn, and she's the only so-named person among my facebook friends, if y'all care to stalk her.

The biggest news for me came just recently when, after about three blood-pressure-raising months of hearing nothing good, I got a job offer from a DC firm. This means I'll be in DC for this coming summer at least, and hopefully thereafter. I decided to focus only on firms in DC, which it turns out was a pretty dubious plan since I almost ended up with no job at the end of hiring season. But... all's well that ends well, as far as I'm concerned.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

House T-Shirt

I know, I know this probably wasn't the shirt you were expecting, but a few nights ago im sitting at the library and its crowded so some girl walks up and asks to share the table and i said yes (HUGE MISTAKE) because as she takes off jacket I see she is wearing an Ann Arbor is a whore shirt. I'm fairly certain it takes one to know one and while i was considering telling her off I had a sudden brink of inspiration. This little guy is the result. Seriously considering making it as my house here wants it and so if anyone is interested the group order will probably be cheaper. Also Wisconsin last night made me so happy to see all of the really really angry people and also a bit more nervous about our competition and chances of salvaging the season.
In other news thats a bit upsetting. During my last visit during Ann Arbor I saw something very distressing. As i drove down Sybil on game day, at first I was excited to see kids playing catch on the street much like we did back in the day until tragedy struck. This was not your normal game of catch...they were trying to hit the shoes off of the wires ...OUR SHOES! Don't kids respect their elders these days???? So needless to say i told them that those were our last college legacy which seemed to stop the game (probably until i got around the corner).
As I add to things that are distressing me currently, I haven't seen anyone blog in the past few months! So yeah Duke moved, I heard about Jake's last hookup. Bill's Pregnant? Sluis and Nathan got married in Vermont! Really you guys should post in case I made a mistake with any of this.
Miss you all!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monthly Update(just some 94 day late)

Hello kiddos,
I felt that now that I'm back in school I probs should update about whats been going on for me all summer (and lets be honest, I cant handle anymore studying for tonight). So lets see, since the glorious Michigan visit I have spent my summer in a research lab studying spinal cord injury. Its pretty exciting in concept but as usual, I find the actual research sciencey part of a bit too tedious (really why cant we just solve all of those questions in one solid summer project?). I was looking at the effect of removing the spleen before spinal cord injury and the splenic immune response to injury. So after about 8 weeks of that I can now tell Sophomore year mono afflicted Duke that yes the spleen is important (just dont ask me how). Sadly, the one window in our lab did had to overlook the ohio state stadium. The only redeeming part of this view is that I can see the entrance where they had to adorn it with maize and blue tiles after the construction team building the new stadium agreed to do so if osu lost to Michigan (which of course they did).
Other than that I spent a ton of time this summer relaxing, and catching up on things med school has taken away from me (like sleep). I did get a week of vaca in the FL with the old people but we just started up school a week ago and I really didnt miss it at all haha.
I dont have much else to report. Still living in the same house with the same kids (aside from my various library homes) and med school life is still pretty monotonous. However, from the looks of my housemates new schedules, it seems like next year is going to be a pretty big improvement so i've got that to look forward to.
As for the football game reunion, there isnt really a home game that works perfect for me, but I could do Wisonsin or Michigan State but probably not both. So I say we pick a sybil game to come back for and Ill probably make it back for that. That being said, I also do have a dirty (in the osu student section) ticket for the ohio state game and would be happy to find more if people want to come down for that game. I have very attractive sleeping options such as the futon or the prized little-spoon spot in my bed. And can offer the chance to play with Bexely (i know not exactly a comparison to floppers) and see the sights of columbus (sure you could instead check out the skid marks in your toliet bowl and probably see more exciting history). But then you wouldnt get to see me!
Long Live Sybil,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

futbol americano

hey sybil nation,

so what's everyone's plans with regards to football games? i feel like wisco and msu are the two games people are talking about but i'll be there for all of them so you're more than welcome to come to any of them.

i know duke's coming to wisco.

and i know all of white street is coming to msu.

but beyond that i don't know who's going to what. i think msu works best for jameson, but what about the rest of you fools? which game(s) are you planning on attending?

i can get student tickets too probs, if you still have your mcards.

much love,

potro tonto

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back To School Version 18 19 20 21? -Or- Fuck, I'm Never Going To Be Done

After four days of rolling along beautiful Route 80, I'm finally in California. I wish I had some good road trip stories, but 20 hours of corn fields, 15 hours of desert, and a few hours of cities doesn't make for too much of interest. It was all business on the way over. I did get to watch the first season of Community, so there's that. Gotta love Chevy Chase.

Berkeley is, unsurprisingly, beautiful. I've gotten to see a good bit of the city already. It's somewhat similar to downtown Ann Arbor, only about six or more times bigger. Also more hippies, hipsters, hobos, asians (yes, even more), and palm trees. Traffic sucks, which makes me glad I decided not to bring a car here. But I've got nothing to complain about. I mean, I could bitch about it being 65 degrees out instead of the typical 75, or the clouds that habitually hang out over the Berkeley hills until afternoon, but that would make me a terrible person, particularly to those of you stuck in 90 degree heat (which is probably most of you).

I'm holed up at a little weekly rental place in a residential neighborhood. It's pretty nice, and rather cheap, so I'm happy. I have to share common areas with randos, but at least I have access to a full kitchen. The randos are nice, too. Some couple from the Netherlands or Germany, based on whateverthefuck language they're speaking, and asian dentistry dude. The latter is pretty cool, is from Michigan, went to dental school there (post grad work, I think), but is moving out tomorrow. So I'm stuck with the couple, who seem nice, but the dude gave me a douche "oversqueeze" handshake when I met him. I had my hand out first, and he still managed to grab mostly fingers and go all Hercules on my knuckles. So as much as you can read into handshakes, he's a douche.

I managed to get my first bike ride in today. I was fairly prepared to be challenged by the hills, so went in with modest expectations. Needless to say, I nearly threw up. After my first attempt to get some good elevation, I had to sit down for a few minutes, my teeth did this weird thing where they hurt when you breath cold air quickly, and generally proved to myself that I'm a pussy. Things got better with subsequent attempts, and I found some of the roads that don't have 25% grades. But at least I have goals to aim for. Judging from google, I made it up about 700 feet, and the hills top out at 1400, so I'm halfway there

So for now I've got a week to find an apartment and get ready to actually work hard again.

Everyone should post soon. Particularly those of you in new residences should post some pics.
Bill, hope you and Suz are finding married life agreeable.
Jake, make tons of money and live it up in the cultural and financial capital of the world. And pass that last test, or whatever.
James, don't let the impending(?) semesters get you down. Remember that I'll always be your library buddy, even if only in spirit. I'll try to befriend a library security guard to make your life seem less pitiful.
Nathan, do lawyerly things. Also, good luck with internship interviews and what-have-you.
Dukamus, hope you get that transfer soon, or move closer to Bmore, or whatever your heart desires.

God bless and Go Lube!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August is here

So basically half of you suck, and half of you are alright haha. Its been fucking hot as balls here this entire month, I'm sure it has been for the rest of you as well.

Not too much to report. Job is going well. I passed my first two exams (which is great because those are the two i needed before I could start to do ANYTHING) and I have one left that allows me to do some more stuff that i'll probably take in a month or two.

My new place kicks ass. You all need to visit and see it. I've had a chance to hang with Weasen a bunch which is cool, but unfortunately I get stuck hanging with some of those girls that I dislike that are here (like natalie smith). But overall I'm enjoying my time in NY so far. I may be venturing out to Michigan as soon as labor day weekend but I'm not sure. If ANY of you have a desire to go to Buffalo for the National Buffalo Wing festival labor day weekend im TRYING to convince people but as of now its not looking like its gonna happen unfortunately.

Thats about it for me. Lets hear whats up with you. Billy/ Nathan/James, when do you start back up at school. Goosey, how's the move to Cali going? are you starting soon too? Dutch I gotta try and make it down to D.C. sometime soon and hang. I'm sure it would be a blast.

Ciao for now,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ba duba dop

I'm humming Hanson at my desk. Thanks for that, Bill, and for also listening to Jake's re-up announcement.

The new Baltimore gig is awesome. Commute aside, the office is beautiful (a converted shipping warehouse right on the water) and the town - Fells Point - is a gem. Fells is Baltimore's historical district, lined with cobblestone streets, ancient taverns and great food. A far cry from the Hamsterdam I expected. Originally the DC office was in the cards but I'm leaning towards the move up I-95 and getting a place in the area. Canton and Federal Hill are the post-grad young kid spots so if it happens I'll probably land in one of the two.

Summer's been good thus far. Highlights include: joining a Bocce ball league in Adams Morgan, coed soccer team (the Flirts - Flirting with Sobriety) winning the first division championship, playing paintball for the first time in 12 years, spending time on a boat with my flippie-floppies at Hannah's parent's place, weaning myself off Modern Warfare 2, and visiting AA (you knew that).

Planning my next visit to AA currently. Wisco v Michigan is definitely happening and I'd like to make it for a football weekend we all might agree on before that. I'm driving Hannah down to Durham in a few weeks. We're blowing through all our Groupons (check it out if you haven't) and vow to finish Lost before 1L.

Jake, the new gig sounds amazing. I'm planning an NYC trip for late August/early September so expect a visit at your phenomenal Murray Hill spot. Billy, congrats on moving out (almost)! I hope to drop my 40yr old virgin status soon, as well. Sluisy, best of luck with the transition to Cali life. My guess is you'll fit right in. Hi-mey, I saw pix of you and Alex on July 4th - so cute. Almost as cute as us -!/photo.php?pid=57379862&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=2231701&id=2231762. Good luck with year two, dude. Na-tan, I hope we get to hang before your second year. Good luck to both you lawschoolers on the job fairs.

I part with a link I sent Nathan yesterday. Completely irrelevant.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


hey kiddos,

you (as well as i) should be ashamed of ourselves for hypocritically supporting jake's idea of posting every month and then ignoring his post calling us to arms.

things this summer have been going well for me. living at home to save money has actually worked out pretty well--i get good food and company. and the job has gone well--i've been writing opinions and got to introduce court yesterday and bang the gavel, you know you're jealous. pretty quiet around here though, but we have our family vacation next week and then the week after is adam's wedding so it'll pick up quick. and then another week and i'll be back in aa.

suzy q and i just signed the lease for our new apartment. unfortunately it is not in the basement of james' parents' house, but we are in farmington hills so that means james' mom will be close on those lonely winter nights. speaking of james, suz and i hung out with him and alex one night the weekend of the fourth. james flirted with a police officer and we ended up with tickets to some private art center party with food, booze, picture booths, and popcorn maker, from which we went to see the birmingham fireworks. good times.

our big on-campus interview program for next summer (and most likely our after-graduation jobs) is coming up in a month, so i've been trying to do research on firms and figure out where i want to work. right now it's looking like la, although san diego and san francisco are still options. i'm interviewing with a couple grap firms too, just to keep my options open.

jake glad to hear the start of your job went well and that you've moved out from the parents. hope things are going well now that you're actually registered/certified/whatever it was you had to do.

dutch face, what's the latest with you? start that baltimore job yet? moving to durham? if you see marlo in baltimore, give him my best.

naynay i assume you're in the same boat as me right now with preparing for interviews.

sluisy, in berkeley yet? figure out the apartment situation?

jamesy, i got nothing. how's your mom?

much love and magical unicorn dreams to all of you.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Work Hard Play Hard

Hey fellas,
So we all decided we should be posting once a month. Its July, so we're all due for one over the next few weeks. I hope you all had a good 4th of July. My 4th was interesting, I basically threw out my back and was bed ridden sunday and monday and am just now really able to move around almost normally. It sucks. I know you feel my pain naynay. I also met up with those South African girls, along with weasen, luke, phil, cat, tsoi and a couple of my highschool buddies that saturday night. It was an interesting night to say the least. I ended up at the apple store at 4am and there were a surprising amount of people there. It was really kind of weird.

So back to life, I started my Job June 21st. and I basically don't/can't do shit because I'm not licensed yet (hopefully will be all set to go by the end of the month). My day consists of me studying for the exams, shooting the shit with the guys around me, and watching the world cup. Its pretty awesome. Also my boss is a HUGE baller. He was telling me that for game 4 of the stanley cup finals he took his 7 biggest clients, got them all tickets to the game in philly, and flew them all down on a private helicopter. Sounds pretty amazing. I just sit next to him and its like a straight mentorship deal at this point and im pretty psyched.

I ALSO just signed my lease for a place in the city. I'm living with 2 guys a year younger than me from my business frat and should be moving in over the weekend. Its in the heart of Murray Hill (on 34th and Lex) for those of you who know where that is. For those of you that don't, visit me ASAP. I got a huge space and its gonna be phenomenal.

I'm looking forward to a fall reunion and hearing about how all your summer's are going (hopefully you finally got your grades and passed thors). Hug and Kisses and all that sweet stuff.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Now I need some short-shorts

As you may know, it's fairly common for road bikers to shave their legs. Though some may say that there is a reason for this, it's purely for show. I've often considered this a level of bikefagness that I wouldn't cross, but every conviction has to be tested at some point, no? So I finally caved. Or rather, sort of caved. It all started with some asshole who felt that he had to apex a gentle curve at about 15mph, causing me to enjoy some tasty asphalt.

Ah yes, the classic squeeze. Immediately followed by calls of, "I didn't see you," and, "where did you come from?" Apparently, to the below-average motorist it's inconceivable that, after passing a cyclist, he or she may return to your general area (the 'moronisphere') if you should happen to slow down shortly thereafter. This is why it is often advisable to display a little patience and not pass a cyclist, say, about 100 feet before a stop sign.

But I digress. While still a dick move, the event fell squarely in the realm of 'accident,' and the gentleman seemed apologetic enough. With my safe return home, I considered the prospect of wrapping my hairy leg with tape, and promptly whipped out the razor and got to work.

Though it's not the best picture, you can get a sense of what I did. It's really a pretty wussy wound, but was bleeding enough where it needed to be wrapped (going through town with blood running down my leg was fairly entertaining.) I just did the knee area (which took forever beeteedubs, don't know how girls deal) and it feels pretty good.

So that's my foray into the world of bike-geekdom and leg shaving. I must say, the smoothness is kind of nice.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back to NYC

Hello Fellas,
Kudos Duke. Sounds like the right move for you in the long run. It's been a while since you've heard from me as well. I've been all over the place and generally lazy in terms of keeping you all up-to-date on my situation. First of all, After just about 3 months of unemployment I finally got my ass back into the game. Additionally, I'm going to be moving back to New York City for the opportunity. It's going to be somewhat similar to what I was doing before only in the fact that I'm also going to be working with options. However, it's different because I won't be executing any of my own trading ideas. It is a broker-dealer firm who work with institutional clientele (hedge funds, mutual funds, pensions funds and so on). Additionally, its more of a sales role rather than a trading role. But its a fantastic opportunity because I'm basically going to be working directly for the Managing Director of the Options Desk, learning everything he does so that I can help him out and he doesn't have to spread himself out too much.

And speaking of Michigan, the true Michigan alumni network was working in full force on this one. The guy I'm going to be working for (a michigan alum from the early 90's) passed the job posting to another michigan guy, who passed it along to a buddy of mine from school, who passed it along to me. Amazing what's out there for us.

So I will be back in New York starting my new Job June 21st. Living at home and trying to get my ass out of there ASAP. Come visit since i'll be closer for some of you!

Warm weather is just not the same without some Sybil BBQing and some cornhole. Miss you all and I'm so psyched to come back in a couple weeks and see everyone. Woot wooot.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On the Move

Let me begin by saying, James, what a wonderful sight that must have been. In the spirit of why it's so great to be a Wolverine, take a look at the following:

News on the job front. A consulting firm I applied to last fall called me a couple months ago to bring me in for an interview. Longer story turned shorter story I got the job and I'm starting there mid June (the day I get back from AA). It's financial litigation consulting this time as opposed to transportation policy consulting, and overall it's a better gig. The catch is the headquarters is in Baltimore. They're confident a position at the smaller DC office will open up in the next half year, but in the meantime I'll be commuting to B-more. I'm adding roughly three hours a day to my once 10 minute-one metro stop commute. This does not appeal to the lazy 3/4 of my body, the part of me that felt comfortable living the rest of my life at a six credit, two days of class a week pace.

In case you haven't heard, Hannah's attending Duke Law in the fall. Michigan was in the running until I reminded her that Bill lives in the area. I'm not looking forward to the cluster-fuck name confusion that has already started. We just got back from an amazing 10 day trip to Hawaii for her cousin's wedding and I should have pics up soon. Also, I plan to move there in there near future. If one of you got rich quick and included me in your entourage, this plan might actually happen.

I bought my tickets to AA today. Someone hit up Meijer and grab tiki torches, it's time to party.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Greatest Moment Ever

Yes thats right, it finally no my balls still havent dropped (but this week i did learn why it hurts in your stomach when you get kicked in the nuts, but I digress). So as you can see in this disturbing image, I have been plagued by having the suckeye hall of fame cafe (the most ostentatious and ridiculous display of Overated football love outside of the horseshoe itself) less than a half mile from my house. Thats right, every trip to the grocery store, subway, and even chipotle is marred by the unfortunate placement of this tribute to a team whose fan base just barely outclasses the nascar followers. So what possible good could come from this you ask? How about good old american steel ripping through the sides of the building? Would that do it? Yep, I had to rub my eyes as I watched a wrecking ball go through the side of the building earlier this week. Sure the light in front of me turned green and I missed it because I was too busy watching those oh so carefully crafted cement walls with their engraved O's get blasted to pieces, but nothing could have been more worth it. So now all im wondering is when we can rent our own wrecking ball and go to town on the horseshoe itself.
Also we suck at doing this blog thing. Someone else write on it so i dont have to go for 3 posts in a row in a month or two.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sybil health risks

I've learned of all new ways that Sybil could have killed us (other than Bills attempts to burn that mother down). For the downstairs our cute little Floppers could apparently have harbored a number of diseases including one that is considered to have the possibly of being used as a bio-terrorism weapon. This particular agent is in rabbits and according to our crazy lecturer "never touch a slow moving rabbit" hahah soooo there you have it. As for the upstairs sybilites aside from the "gas leak" we were daily subjected to (thanks Jake) we also have learned a TON of infections that can kill or get you real sick from drinking unpasteurized milk so yeah. Ok thought i would share some nerdiness for you all.

Thanks to all of you for the support of getting me out to the summer reunion. I finish up class on June 11th, so that weekend would work great or really any other weekend until mid August with the exception of june 18th and 25th weekends where I am confined to Columbus so hopefully we can find one of those weekends that works out.

In other visit news, Jake are you still up for me to come out sometime next week? Ann Arborites (and nathan and duke if you are looking for a weekend extravaganza), two weekends from now (aka the weekend of the 10th) ill be back in Ann Arbor and I'm hopefully brining Jake with me from Chicago. I have Alexandra's formal on Friday BUT would be up for a post party and wild times for Saturday as well. Soo Bill and Sluis rest up your livers, and Nathan and Duke book your tickets!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hi, Friends.

Being the last one to post I wanted to make amends by including a picture, and thus 1,000 extra words, which my neighbor took outside our building (and I doubt anyone other than Duke would recognize my car, but if you look closely you can see the Prelude creepin in the background). Cville has been gorgeous ever since the last of the snow melted, or at least most of it did, and lately I've been reading on my balcony, which is cool. It's not as good as the Sybil porch, but at least nobody vomits on my furniture without my consent (to my knowledge).

Life here at UVA does in fact involve a certain amount of softball and beer.
The softball: at the moment, I'm taking part in my second softball season (1st one mandatory, 2nd one optional--I still can't swing a bat to save my life), which is always a good time, except when some people get crazy competitive, but they're shunned.
The beer: the law school public interest organization sponsors a beer pong tournament fundraiser (lost in the second round to a pair of egregious elbows-rule violators) and the powers-that-be (I'm actually not sure who) taps a half barrel in the courtyard every Thursday at 3pm. More than a few prospective students seem scared/confused by this, but, considering that the law school is full of normal people, and not the collar-popping, plaid-short wearing UVA undergrads, it's just kinda nice to have something to offset the stress inherent in the law school (Thunderdome) experience, and it isn't (usually) a giant frat party.

For those of you unfamiliar with the law school setup (which may be none of you), our grades depend almost exclusively on our final exams, which are graded on a strict curve against our classmates/peers/friends. And hiring firms basically care only about your grades. So, it is what it is (citation). We also have things like Journals, which are essentially an extracurricular (therefore mattering about .05% in your job search), the tryouts for which involve a grueling 72-hour weekend of fixing citations and reading more pages of case opinions than I usually read in two weeks. Due to the economy, almost every 1L tried out. But spots are limited. Today, they posted the names of the people that made it on, so those whose names absent could be publicly shamed by omission.* That's why law school is the Thunderdome.

I myself am motivated to get decent grades primarily so that I can stay bearded through job interviews. If I'm anywhere near borderline, I don't think I have the stones to keep the beard. In other news, my sister recently got engaged. Her fiance is a good guy, and she's happy about it, so I'm happy, too. My parents are laid back about this sort of thing, but I can't help but feel like some attention just shifted to me. Strange times. In other other news, I'll be staying in Charlottesville this summer working as a research assistant for one of my professors. I'm pleased since Cville should be beautiful in the summer, I get paid something, and DC is within reach on weekends.**

Also, in the last email I received, Floppers..(and I quote) "...seems to be warming up well to our family. I was most concerned that the cat would try to eat him for supper but instead Floppers follows the cat, who seems to be afraid of him, around the house. Hannah has built him a large bunny condo which he seems to really enjoy. If we leave the door open, he will frequently come sit in it for a rest.
We have lots of lettuce, clover, dandelion, and carrot. We bought him a bale of timothy grass hay from the farmer's co-op. He seems to like it here and we have been enjoying him too."
Picture (and open invitation to visit him at their house 45 min outside of DC) included:

*I was not shamed, fortunately.
**Ann Arbor should also be within reach, so I'll do my best to be there in June (?).

Hailing from Dirty District

Gents, Players, Sybilites,

First, some congratulatory remarks and a warning:

Sluis - Well done on Berkley! And well done on finding a state with more relaxed marijuana rules than Michigan.
Jake - Congrats on single-handedly bringing down your firm. Joking of course, that SUCKS. Please search the east coast for your next nest, as it will bring us closer together.
Bill - A preemptive congratulations on Grand Rapids winning the Google Fiber Broadband Network and your family saying goodbye to the stone age. And good job finding a summer internship that involves no money.
James - I'm glad your up for Ohio resident status, as you can now make changes from the inside. And seeing as you're in the library more than ever before, I'm glad you're living near the hospital.
Nathan - Stop taking my girlfriend on romantic law class dates. Any word on your summer whereabouts?

D.C. update: I'm still living with my parents. I'm half considering living with them the rest of my life because not paying rent is clutch, but more likely I'll be moving out this summer and getting a pad in the city. As you probably heard, the winter here was a bitch and I am somehow incapable of escaping the midwest lake effect. We got pounded with a few feet of snow, effectively shutting down the city for a week and giving me time brush up on rushing attack. Not too much to report on the j.o.b. other than it is what it is and I enjoy having my own office. Zoe's doing great at Columbia and digging the New York scene. Just celebrated my little bro's 4th birthday yesterday, circus theme. I sucked down way too much helium and had to lie down for bit.

Hannah and I are doing great, and she's picking a law school this month. Her choices are Georgetown, Duke and Michigan (ha) and she hopes to get into UVA. She visited Nathan a couple weekends ago and really loved the school. Last weekend she visited Durham and really liked the whole package so I may be competing with another Duke for the next 3 years.

I'm headed to Hawaii in a few weeks with the lady for her cousin's wedding. A ten day trip that I've been counting down to for a long time. And speaking of counting down, I'm psyched for a reunion this summer, and I agree that getting James there is a MUST. Let's get that talk going again soon so we can all make plans.

Next one to visit me gets a lean pocket and hug, so book your flights.

Much love,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day Med School Style

Before I begin I must say Bill blog email updates is the best idea you have had since you decided to let Suz build up the confidence to develop a relationship with you by falling backwards in an Old Schoolesque 'youre my boy Blue' style (minus the death thing) in an incident now referred to as 'the tackle' soooo thanks.

I have just learned what med school St. Patty's Day is all about. If you're a first year like myself we wake up mad early (kinda like last year) but there are no lines or beer, just respiratory infections to cover with a lecturer whose idea of a joke involves the overestimation of the swine flu epidemic. This goes on for 3 wonderful hours, and fortunately in my 20 minute preparation for class and dash out the door i have remembered that it is St. Patty's Day and I need to wear green because people are decked out. Remember in grade school how you used to get super dressed up for school because this was the most likely place people would see you out? Yeah its like that again. I may add there was a classmate of mine dressed as a leprechaun who managed to crack the same joke about leprosy infection in said costume on at least 3 separate occasions. The rest of the day has been spent at the normal library hot spots for me. If you think I spent too much time at the library in undergrad, I've reached new lows on that front here. I apparently study at one library long enough that some asian kid who I didn't know felt comfortable enough to ask me if I could help him with his calculus homework (aren't you the asian one?). In other discouraging moments, the security guard at the late night library know me by name and no longer asks to see my ID when he checks everyone else's. This would be nice if it wasn't followed by the looks of horror when said security guard says oh thats ok James and people realize the sad existence that my med school life (or lack thereof) is.

I've been told that 2nd year gets better, but today was unconvincing. I had to watch my housemate's stuff at the library while they ran over to the hospital to practice two things I never want to be involved in, a male genital exam complete with urethral discharge and oh wait the digital rectal prostate exam. I also do have my question about how desperate for cash and/or twisted you have to be to allow some 50 med students per day stick their fingers in places that
are strictly exit only, but thats probably meant for another post.

Ok in all seriousness though things are interesting here. I got off to a bit of a rough start and am now finally getting settled (if that is what you would call it) into med school pace/life. Its been a relief living with other UofMers and being able to share my disgust of all things Ohio State with them. In related news, if you have not yet seen this, please take the time to visit Our schedule is actually pretty nice as far as med schools go and we are only in class for 3 hours a day (and the library the rest of it) and we have all our exams on the same day so the weekends after are completely free. Im living super close to class/the hospital (as in about a block and a half) and as some of you have seen now have the cutest stafforshire bull terrier mix as a house pet. This summer it looks like ill be staying in columbus to do a research project at the med school on the effects of splenectomy on spinal cord injury and inflammation which should be fun/interesting. And also give me weekends and nights off (which means i would love visitors or might be coming to you kiddies). Unfortunately this also means at the end of the summer i will be eligible to become an Ohioan :(.

Ok im going to stop trying to write the longest post on sybil blog ever and leave that task up to Naynay. I'm really glad we got this going again and cant wait to hear more about whats going on for everybody.


Well Done

Thanks for upping everyone on the email notifications, Billy. I'll get a real post up asap, I'm super busy with plant-microbe interactions and the like. And I'm all for last minute Sybil brackets.


Monday, March 15, 2010

A Very Sluis Update

Dear Sybilites,

Well done Billy Boy with resurrecting the blog. Good to hear things are going well, and congratulations to you and Suz for taking it to the next level. And sorry to hear about the job loss Jakey, though I am glad that you might be in AA soon. I should have a fair bit of free time on my hands, and you know you’ve got a place to sleep when you’re here.

As for me, I’ve been doing interviews for pretty much all of February. Starting at the end of January, I went out to Berkeley, had tons of fun, met tons of super smart people, and generally got my ego deflated into nothingness. Shit was real. Obviously the place was beautiful, the department was competitive while friendly, and everyone was on top of their stuff. Next was Michigan, then Minnesota, and finally Cornell. Cornell was the only other real place of note, as they had more people specializing in plant-microbe interactions, a field that I’m particularly interested in. They also had just about the nicest faculty you’ve ever met, so I was particularly reluctant to turn them down, but alas, I’m California bound. Overall, interviews were cool as my first real introduction to the scientific community.

Now that that’s over with, I’ve been concentrating back on my job, which is going swimmingly. Research is picking up overall; I should be outlining my first manuscript in the next couple weeks, and we should be submitting our last set of samples for microarray analysis in about a month for the other major project I’m doing. The way it’s looking, I should get a couple first-author publications, and be listed on a couple others, which is very cool. Beyond that, I’ve got plans to study up on some statistics/bioinformatics in preparation for grad school, and to identify what labs I want to rotate in at Berkeley.

The rest of my time is spent dicking around on my guitar, and riding my bike. Seeing as how I’ll be living in one of the nicest areas on the planet for road biking, I plan to be ready when I get there. I’m fairly seriously considering biking out to D.C. and back sometime in the spring or summer. This would depend on whether I can take enough time off work and still get done all the stuff I want to finish before going off to Cali. This, in turn, depends on whether I can convince some other entering students to move to Berkeley early and go backpacking/have fun for a few weeks before classes. Anyway, input from Naynay and Dutchess would be appreciated, as far as when you’ll be in D.C., and if there are any events that would be fun to plan around.

I miss you all terribly, and hope that everyone can make it back to Ann Arbor sometime in June, or whenever we decide is best. One thing that I’d like to point out, since James wasn’t able to make last summer’s reunion, I think we should try extra hard to accommodate him.



PS: Robot Unicorn Attack is maybe the greatest thing the internet has ever produced. Make sure to have the sound on, though you should probably use headphones.

My Update

Hello Fellas,
I think the idea of email notification is brilliant. I checked through the settings and I think you set it up for us all when you enabled the email notification but I could be wrong. Trade regulation in LA huh? Could be some big money in that. You'll be done paying off your loans in no time.

On my front things in Chicago are certainly interesting. 2 weeks ago my company basically went under, fired 30 of the 45 employees, including myself and basically all the top talent. Don't worry I'm not including myself in the top talent. They basically kept enough people to wind the company down and kept people who didn't have enough leverage to just get up and leave when they saw the company going down. Anyways, I've basically been just bumming around Chicago, getting my job search on yet again. I'm thinking of heading to Ann Arbor soon with all the free time I have. I was gonna come for st. patties day but unfortunately (or actually fortunately) I have an interview the day before and the day after. So maybe in a week or so.

I'm pumped the weather is getting nicer. If anyone feels like visiting I'll be here doing mostly nothing so c'mon down. I might also head back to ny for a couple weeks sometime soon. So if your in that neck of the woods you can visit me there. Everyone POST, i don't know whats going on in your lives. Good work Bill.

Sybil love,


Hello Sybil Nation:

No one has posted on the blog in quite some time and I for one think it's pretty embarrassing that Weasen's house can have a more successful blog than the great Sybil house. I was talking to Jake recently and we both had little idea what was going on in other people's lives, although admittedly part of this is our own fault for being sucky at keeping in touch.

I've adjusted the blog so that (hopefully) it emails everyone when someone comments on a post and when I post anything. I think each of you will have to go into your settings and make it so that it does the same when you post too. I think if we get notifications in our email like with facebook it'll be easier to keep it running since no one ever thinks to check the actual blog.

As for me....

Doing the second semester of law school thingy. Other than my Constitutional Law class school is pretty boring. I get by with watching my USA shows on Hulu and more Pistons games than they deserve considering their crappy record. UM sports have been an abomination and a huge source of anger and depression and Evan Turner's prayer didn't surprise me one bit. I've also begun to teach myself Greek in my spare time because I'm a nerd and I needed something to do during class when the teachers go off on tangents. Sorry James it's ancient Greek, but maybe I'll transition over to modern Greek once I have a better handle on it.

This summer I'm working for a federal judge in Grand Rapids, making $0 an hour. Wooo debt! Hopefully it looks good on my resume and makes me a better lawyer in the long run. At least living at home will help me save some costs. Of course, we have our big interviews at the end of the summer to determine our jobs next summer and maybe when we graduate. Scary to be deciding so much about my future so soon. Still don't know where I want to be or what kind of law I want to do but yeah, maybe I'll get it all figured out by then. Right now I'm thinking Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation in LA, although that'll probably change next week.

Other than that, not much going on. My oldest brother Adam (not Ben) is getting married at the end of the summer which will be fun. Just got back a week ago from spending half of spring break in LA with suzy q and the family which was a lot of fun and great weather. Things are still going well on that front. If I haven't told you, we're going to live together next year between AA and Detroit. It just makes sense since we're both bored living by ourselves and I'll still only be 20 minutes from AA.

That's all I got for now. I'd love to hear how y'all are doing and what's new with you. Also, Sybil NCAA bracket????

Silly P